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English translation for "structural setting"


Related Translations:
structural size:  结构尺寸
structural circuit:  结构传力图
structural condition:  结构状态
structural material:  建筑材料结构材料结构物质
structural instrument:  结构性手段
structural relativism:  构造相对论
structural investigation:  结构的维修结构勘查结构勘察
structural iron:  结构钢结构用铁
structural timber:  建筑用木材结构木材
structural trough:  构造凹槽构造槽地
Example Sentences:
1.A comprehensive " four in one " structural set - up in port and waterway administration has the characteristics of unity , simplicity , function and effectiveness
2.With the same geological structural settings , the miocene sequence development of the shanwang , baojiahe , and qingshan basins are comparable
3.The practice contains a structural set of procedural , technical and documentation standards , clearly defining the expectations for the software deliverables to be delivered by the project teams . documents of ssadm
4.Basing on the acquaintence of the stratum , the rock , the structural setting , the tectonic framework and the research in the stratum , the rock and the structure of dam area in detail , using the modern principle of tectonic analysis , this paper analyzes the geometry characteristics , the deformation characteristics , the dynamics characteristics , kinematics characteristics of the dislocation interfaces . further more this paper discuss " the structural generation , the structural sequence and the structural evolution of the dislocation interfaces
5.Based on the study of geological background and structural settings , and with the geological event as the main thread , the author analyzed the development history of the regional ore - forming structures , especially , the new - forming and inherited structural systems since yanshanian movement , and the range - basin structures of marginal - pacific ore - forming domain , and the thermo - uplifting structure of the lushan ore - body as well as the yiwulushan metamorphic core complex , which are three different scale ore - forming structural systems
6.Penman considers that the question can be solved by 4 ways : the structural setting of bohai bay basin should be studied thoroughly to conclude possibility of the transgression ' s passageway . reliability of marine makers provided should be newly considered . new and exclusive evidences are required . similar sediment traps in correlative strata abroad are collected to research contrastively
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